Mary Jane & Cody

July 5, 2025 • Black Butte Ranch, OR
113 Days To Go!

Mary Jane & Cody

July 5, 2025 • Black Butte Ranch, OR
113 Days To Go!

Where to Stay

Black Butte Ranch is a very special place to us. We are beyond excited to share this very near and dear place, and our special day, with our closest friends and family!

We invite you to enjoy our 10% lodging discount by referencing the Erving-Shear wedding. Recognizing that our wedding takes place during a particularly fun holiday weekend on the Ranch, we do highly recommend booking early. The best way to book during our priority window is to call the Ranch directly, (866)-901-2961, or by emailing reservations

If making reservations after June ’24, please book online: Make sure to mention the Erving-Shear wedding in the comments section to enjoy the 10% discount.

The wedding ceremony will take place at The Lodge. The Black Butte Ranch website does contain a fairly detailed map, but if you need or want assistance selecting a great location for your group (though you really cannot go wrong), please reach out to me (Mary Jane (541)-505-0302)), or my mother (Jeannine (541)-914-4140)). We are very happy to help.

We know summers, especially 4th of July weekend, are busy for all of our beloved friends and family, so we are especially honored to have your consideration in sharing our Big Day with us!

With Much Love,

Mary Jane and Cody